Activities for Bored Jewish Teens across Los Angeles
December 2017 - The Standard
There are hundreds of activities for Jewish teens to take part in all around L.A., year-round. From summer camps and volunteering to Jewish education and social justice, these activities are perfect for Jewish teens looking to connect with Jews just like them.
Youth Groups
Looking to connect with other teens in your area? Well, Jewish youth groups are the perfect place to find a Jewish Community, mixing charity, fun activities, and Jewish culture. Groups like USY (United Synagogue Youth), BBYO (B’nai Brith Youth Organization), NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), and Young Judea, (who brings together Jewish youth year round, focusing on Zionist Activism), host events like Teen Tuesday, retreats at local camps (see number 2), conferences focusing on Jewish politics, trips to disneyland, torah talks, Jewish movie nights, hikes, and trips to Israel. Join one today and connect with Jewish teens around the world!
Summer Camp
All over the valley, Jewish summer camps (day and sleepaway) are looking for campers, counselors, volunteers, and specialists to create a caring community of teenagers who want to be immersed in Jewish culture. Not only do these camps have typical activities like swimming, horseback riding, rockwall, and arts and crafts, but they also infuse the atmosphere with Jewish culture in Israeli dance, Jewish music, Shabbat celebrations, Hebrew language, and Judaic studies. For campers and counselors of all ages, summer camps like Camp Alonim, Camp Ramah, Camp Hess Kramer, JCA Shalom, and Camp VBS are taking sign ups now! Make sure you register soon, cause summer is quickly approaching!
Organizations like SOVA, a food pantry standing for sustenance, opportunity, volunteerism, and advocacy, National Council of Jewish Women, working to raise awareness for women and family issues such as domestic violence and reproductive health, and Sherut L’Olam, who provides a space for teens to explore social and environmental issues, are always looking for volunteers to help their cause. Supporting local causes is always important, but being able to connect the Jewish community to a charity you are passionate about is truly a special thing. Other organizations include the Los Angeles Jewish Home, Jewish United Fund, and Jewish Agency for Israel.
Birthright Israel is a 10-day program that provides a free 10-day trip to Israel for young Jewish adults ages 18-26 who have never been to Israel. They have provided over 48,000 trips and have been connecting Jews to their heritage for 18 years, according to the Birthright Israel Foundation. Though you might not be eligible to Birthright yet, planning a gap year, or a summer trip through Birthright is the perfect way to get a taste of Israel and meet Jews from around the globe. Oh, and, according to their website, the trip has seen 15,545 sunrises at Masada, eaten 2.7 million falafel balls, and allowed over 600,000 teens to see Israel.
Bonus Activities
These activities can help any Jewish teen get involved in education, community service, social justice, and more. Los Angeles Hebrew High School: Get language credit through learning Hebrew and Judaic Studies, and connecting with Jews around L.A. LAHHS is open to grades 7-12. Los Angeles Jewish Teen Initiative: Intern (and get paid) at the Jewish Federation to support Jewish nonprofit organizations throughout LA and gain work experience. Keshet: Keshet (meaning rainbow in Hebrew) is a national organization that works with LGBTQ teens to fight for equality and inclusion in Jewish life. Sign up for a retreat at Camp Alonim from March 28-25 on their website!