January 2020 - WERS 88.9 fm
Graphic by Sam Goodman - Adobe Photoshop
I have come to expect an uproar laughter when my, what some may call ‘tragic’, music taste is revealed to the room. Whitney, Britney, Madonna. In my opinion, there is nothing like the full-body shivers experienced at the first notes of “Toxic.” Basic? Perhaps. Gay? Absolutely. While my playlist may be somewhat limited, there is certainly no lack of alternative creators within the Boston area to help me amp up my tunes. After an embarrassing number of unfulfilled requests that we bop to “It’s Not Right But It’s Okay,” at weekly dorm parties, I decided to head out and explore all that the city had to offer my virgin ears.
Conveniently, I was invited to a house show in in Allston at a venue called Ted House. Confused? I was too. What’s a house show? Where is Allston? Who’s Ted? As someone who has never been to a concert let alone a house show, this invite was met with curiosity and a fair amount of skepticism. A house show is exactly what it sounds like— a band performs in the basement of a house for a group of rowdy onlookers and Ted House hosts these events weekly for Boston’s underground scene. So, with a white turtleneck, Charlie card, and overall suspicion, I boarded the T for Ted House.
When we arrived at the show, there was a $5 cover fee and the lingering smell of pee. As we descended into the basement, the narrow staircase vibrated with the rumbles of electric guitar.
Dim, blue lights impeded my vision as I turned the corner to see a smattering of teenagers, most of them in baggy blue jeans and faded band tees, waiting around for the first band to perform. Merchandise was being sold in the corner by mom’s washer dryer and stickers and wall art replaced family photos and memorabilia. These somewhat surprising and intriguing details seemed to be staples of Boston’s underground performance scene. There was a love and appreciation for the dirty and dingy, kooky and spooky.
Freaking, the first band to perform, began their set almost spontaneously. Quickly, eager fans crowded around the lead singer and began bopping their heads to the beat. The sound, vaguely rock and fairly punk, filled the entire space as onlookers began dancing. The dancing devolved into shoving and eventually into moshing.
The sweaty, primal, machismo energy that moshing entails was energy that I am not used to exerting while listening to music. There was also a fair amount of hair whipping, although quite distant from the pony whipping type to the beat of Ariana Grande’s “Seven Rings”. This was more intense, aggressive.
Three other bands, Wax On, Perennial, and Salty Greyhound performed through ought the night, each with a unique style and sound. As the night wound down, we crept out and boarded the T home.
The Ted House experience, while entirely overwhelming, opened my eyes to a community and culture I had never encountered. While I stomp to RuPaul’s “Supermodel,” fans and bands at Ted House mosh to Perennial’s “The Witching Witching Witching Hour Blues.” The music performed may not have been my favorite but it seemed as though Ted House and its attendees have crafted a space where artists of all kinds can come and self-express in an open and honest way. For that, I applaud them.
Music as a cultural entity is incredibly diverse and expansive. Up-and-coming young artists continue to create with unrestricted creative prowess. They create in styles and mediums that continue to shock and excite both alternative and mainstream audiences. Their reach is vast. Do not let that range intimidate you. Embrace the unknown and dive into the endless possibilities music has to offer. Explore local artists in your area and experiment. Music has the ability to transport us to places we could never imagine. Take advantage of its beauty. And as Madonna always says, “Music makes the people come together.”